Extracts the dimension value or band index at which a given statistic is attained for each pixel in a multidimensional or multiband raster.
Use this tool to extract the dimension value (for example the date, height, or depth) at which a specific statistic is reached in the stack of rasters in a multidimensional raster dataset. Alternatively find the band number at which the statistic is reached in a multiband raster.
For example, you may want to know the month in which each pixel reached the highest sea surface temperature over 30 years of data collection. Another example is you have an eight-band remote sensing image and you want to know the band in which the minimum reflectance value was reached for each pixel.
If Use current map extent is checked, variables or bands of the layer that are visible within the current map extent will be analyzed. If unchecked, variables or bands of the full layer will be analyzed, even if they are outside the current map extent.
The input multidimensional or multiband raster to be analyzed.
The dimension from which the statistic will be extracted. If the input raster is not a multidimensional raster, this parameter is not required.
The variable or variables to be analyzed. If the input raster is not multidimensional, the pixel values of the multiband raster are considered the variable. If the input raster is multidimensional and no variable is specified, all variables with the selected dimension will be analyzed.
For example, to find the years in which temperature values were highest, specify temperature as the variable to be analyzed. If you do not specify any variables and you have both temperature and precipitation variables, both variables will be analyzed, and the output multidimensional raster will include both variables.
Specifies the statistic to extract from the variable or variables along the given dimension.
The pixel value to use to indicate that a given argument statistic was reached more than once in the input raster dataset. If not specified, the pixel value will be the value of the dimension the first time the argument statistic is reached.
The minimum variable value to be used to extract the duration.
This parameter is required when Duration is selected as the statistics type.
The maximum variable value to be used to extract the duration.
This step is required when Duration is selected as the statistics type.
Specifies how the statistic will be extracted from the dimension.
The unit of time for which the statistic will be extracted.
For example, you have five years of daily sea surface temperature data and you want to know the year in which the maximum temperature was observed. Set Argument of the maximum as the statistics type, set Interval Keyword as the dimension definition, and set Yearly as the keyword interval in this step.
Alternatively, if you want to know the month in which the maximum temperature was consistently observed, set Argument of the maximum as the statistics type, set the Interval Keyword as the dimension definition, and set Recurring Monthly as the keyword interval in this step. This will generate a raster in which each pixel contains the month in which the statistic was reached across the five-year record (08/18/2018, 08/25/2016, 08/07/2013, for example).
This step is required when StdTime is set as the dimension from which the statistic will be extracted, and Interval Keyword is selected to define how the statistic will be extracted from the time dimension .
Specifies whether missing values are ignored in the analysis.
The name of the layer that will be created in My Content and added to the map. The default name is based on the tool name and the input layer name. If the layer already exists, you will be prompted to provide another name.
You can specify the name of a folder in My Content where the result will be saved using the Save result in drop-down box. If you have the privileges to create both tiled and dynamic imagery layers, you can specify which layer type to generate in the output using the Save result as drop-down box.