This tool runs a trained deep learning model on an input raster to produce a classified raster, and each valid pixel has an assigned class label.
If Use current map extent is checked, only the raster area that is visible in the current map extent will be analyzed. If it's not checked, the whole raster will be analyzed, even if it is outside the current map extent.
The input image to classify.
It can be an image service URL, a raster layer, or an image service layer.
The input deep learning package ( .dlpk
) item.
The deep learning package is composed of the Esri model definition JSON file ( .emd
), the deep learning binary model file, and optionally, the Python raster function to be used.
The function arguments are defined in the Python raster function class referenced by the input model. This is where you list additional deep learning parameters and arguments for experiments and refinement, such as a confidence threshold for adjusting the sensitivity.
The names of the arguments are populated by the tool from reading the Python module on the raster analysis server.
Specifies how all raster items in a mosaic dataset or an image service will be processed. This parameter is applied when the input raster is a mosaic dataset or an image service.
The name of the layer that will be created in My Content and added to the map. The default name is based on the tool name and the input layer name. If the layer already exists, you will be prompted to provide another name.
You can specify the name of a folder in My Content where the result will be saved using the Save result in drop-down box. If you have the privileges to create both tiled and dynamic imagery layers, you can specify which layer type to generate in the output using the Save result as drop-down box.