Append Data

Append Data workflow diagram

This tool appends data to an existing hosted feature layer. Append Data modifies the original input layer and does not generate a new output layer. You can match fields based on the field name and field type, or you can apply more advanced matching methods.

The following are examples:

Choose layer to append to

The table, point, line, or polygon features to which the data will be appended.


The layer you append to will be modified during execution of the tool. Before proceeding, ensure that you want to modify this layer.

In addition to choosing a layer from your map, you can choose Choose Analysis Layer at the bottom of the drop-down list to browse to your contents for a hosted feature layer.

Choose layer to append

The table, point, line, or polygon features to append to the input layer.

In addition to choosing a layer from your map, you can choose Choose Analysis Layer at the bottom of the drop-down list to browse to your contents for a big data file share dataset or feature layer. You may optionally apply a filter on your input layer or apply a selection on hosted layers added to your map. Filters and selections are only applied for analysis.

Append all features or define a subset (optional)

Identifies the features to be appended. This parameter is optional.

Choose how to append fields (optional)

Specifies how the append layer fields are appended to the input layer. By default, all matching input and append fields will be appended. Fields are a match if they have the same field name and the same field type. Optionally, you can choose how fields are matched, or calculate Arcade expressions to populate field values.

For example, you have an input layer with field_number, field_string, date_field, unused_field fields, and an append layer with field_string, field_number, and MY_DATE_FIELD fields.

  • By default, the tool will match field_number in the input layer to field_number in the append layer, and field_string in the input layer to field_string in the append layer.
  • By default, the input layer date_field and unused_field fields will be populated with values of null because they have no matching field in the append layer.
  • Optionally, you can append values to fields that were not automatically matched by default. For example, date_field in the input layer can be matched to the append field MY_DATE_FIELD. To do this, use the drop-down menu next to date_field in the first column and select MY_DATE_FIELD from the drop-down menu in the second column.
As another example, an input layer has numeric fields value_1, value_2, value_3, and my_Average, and an append layer has numeric fields value_1, value_2, and value_3.
  • By default, value_1, value_2, and value_3 will be matched and appended.
  • In addition to default behavior, values can be calculated for the my_Average field. Do this using multiple fields and mathematical operations by selecting the Expression drop-down option in the column next to my_Average and building a custom Arcade expression such as
    average($feature["value_1"] + $feature["value_2"] + $feature["value_3"])