This tool calculates the optimal connectivity network between two or more input regions.
Example applications include the following:
If Use current map extent is checked, only those locations in the input layers that are visible within the current map extent will be analyzed. If unchecked, all locations in both input layers will be analyzed, even if they are outside the current map extent.
The input regions to be connected by the optimal network.
If the region input is a raster, the regions are defined by groups of contiguous (adjacent) cells of the same value. Each region must be uniquely numbered. The cells that are not part of any region must be NoData. The raster type must be integer, and the values can be either positive or negative.
If the region input is a feature, it can be points, lines, or polygons. Polygon regions cannot be composed of multipart polygons.
The dataset that defines the barriers.
For a raster, the input type can be integer or float. Any cells that have a value (including zero) will be treated as a barrier. Any cells that are NoData will not be treated as a barrier.
For a feature, the input can be point, line, or polygon.
A raster defining the impedance, or cost, to move planimetrically through each cell.
The value at each cell location represents the cost-per-unit distance for moving through the cell. Each cell location value is multiplied by the cell resolution while also compensating for diagonal movement to obtain the total cost of passing through the cell.
The values of the cost raster can be integer or floating point, but they cannot be negative or zero (you cannot have a negative or zero cost).
Specifies whether to calculate the distance using a planar (flat earth) or a geodesic (ellipsoid) method.
Specifies whether the paths will continue and connect within the input regions.
The name of the layer that will be created in My Content and added to the map. The default name is based on the tool name and the input layer name. If the layer already exists, you will be prompted to provide another name.
This layer is an output line feature that connects each input region.
Each path (or line) is uniquely numbered, and additional fields in the attribute table store specific information about the path. Those additional fields are the following:
Since each path is represented by a unique line, there will be multiple lines in locations where paths travel the same route.
You can specify the name of a folder in My Content where the result will be saved using the Save result in drop-down box.
The name of the layer that will be created in My Content and added to the map. The default name is based on the tool name and the input layer name. If the layer already exists, you will be prompted to provide another name.
This layer is an output line feature that identifies all paths from each region to each of its closest, or least cost, neighbors.
Each path (or line) is uniquely numbered, and additional fields in the attribute table store specific information about the path. Those additional fields are the following:
Since each path is represented by a unique line, there will be multiple lines in locations where paths travel the same route.
You can specify the name of a folder in My Content where the result will be saved using the Save result in drop-down box.